I love Christmas. I have many fond memories from Christmas traditions with my family as a kid. I don’t remember many presents really but I remember the excitement of Christmas Eve, the energy having to sit through Christmas Eve church, the cookies, stockings, waking early and waiting until we were allowed up. I remember opening our stockings at a different time then all the other presents.
As a mom I have tried to make these traditions and even more with my kids. Turns out they really do remember them and I think they even appreciate them. We have added a few of our own along the way as well such as making gingerbread houses out of graham crackers and decorating them on Christmas Eve. We also started having a charcuterie board dinner after church and Grammas special bread for Christmas morning breakfast. Playing a family game of charades when we can like the Cummings family did.
Waiting for Ellie to get ready Christmas morning
Clair made this pillow for daddy.
Ellie made this bow for me.
So tired
Christmas crackers
The past 48 hours have been great with the kids. They have appreciates the traditions and the experiences and all thanked me for their presents.
Clair did have a super hard time setting down last night and was up by 430 am singing Christmas carols while she used the bathroom and waking everyone else up in the path. But she was so sweet I did not even yell. I absolutely love the energy and happiness she has for Christmas. She was absolutely wrecked when we were done opening gifts at 11 am. But she made it through the evening at jerred and Vicki’s with a smile on her face.
Jerred and Vicki joshes cuzzie Christmas this year and on Christmas night. It wa different but that’s okay. It was nice being together and the fact everyone appeared healthy enough for this to happen was a lovey Christmas miracle.
It’s been a great day of gifts, relaxation and family time. Tomorrow we wake up and do it again at grammas.