Sunday, February 17, 2019

A weekends worth of work

Today around 230 only March downstairs and set up some signs that said “magic show at 4 PM today.”

She spent a good portion of this week and locked in a closet practicing new magic tricks. She prepared a good hours worth of material. She even used her old-fashioned typewriter to type her self and agenda.

The show was good and she was quite proud of her self. We do get in trouble if we guess the tricks. I try not to do it but sometimes when it’s obvious I do say it. I feel like it’s my job to call the things the way that I see them with my kids.

Ellie did a good job involving the audience. She asked for help with at least six different tricks. Max loved helping. Clair enjoyed getting in the mix too. David and I even each helped on different tricks. 

I enjoy watching Ellie feel accomplished. 

A typical Sunday activity in the search for order in chaos

At least once a week this counter is such a disaster that I will spend a good half hour trying to organize it. During that time I find all kinds of treasures the kids have collected were created for the week. They are cute treasures. If I can manage to get past the fact that this counter is a good 12 foot of real estate and a complete mess, I can appreciate some of the treasures the kids have brought her mentor created. Often it’s a dramatic and frustrating experience as I go through all the junk, the mail, school papers, etc.

Today I decided to stop and take a picture as I organize things. There’s this one little picture of Max that’s been sitting here for ages. Ellie took it up Max all dressed up looking tough when she first got her Polaroid camera couple years ago. I’ve always found this picture enjoyable because it was something Ellie and Max did together for each other. It is a treasure of maxes, despite the fact he leaves it everywhere. 

I’m not sure how much longer I will allow the picture to stay on the counter downstairs. So I wanted to preserve it here. And preserving it along with treasures Clair has made, home made valentines, a remote control helicopter getting another life, a bookmark max made me at Christmas, a treasure bag Clair has made for Charlie, grandpas coin bank, bills and so much more. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Max’s basketball skills are growing

Max has been working really hard at his ball handling skills. He’s been spending some time in the basement in the evenings playing games of keepaway with Ellie and David that really help with his dribbling and passing.

I was excited to see at the last practice but he nearly 1 a game of who was the best at dribbling from end to end in the gym. He was proud of them self and I was really proud of him too. I only wish his coach would take notice.

Middle School already, it can’t be

One of the best things I’ve heard is that the days can sometimes be long but the years go by so fast. I think it’s very true. The years since Ellie was born have been a blur. I remember having a hard time with her starting kindergarten. I can remember that like it was yesterday. Tonight I’d be grudgingly went to a middle school orientation. I can’t believe in six months her girl starts middle school. I am not ready for the teen years. 

I always dreaded the teen years of parenting, probably because I don’t think my teen years were great. I pray for Ellie to have a better experience. I pray for wisdom in my parenting.I pray for patience. And I recently told David we needed a wine cellar as a back up plan. Well actually, that’s been my dream for years really. And now seems as good a time as any to make that dream come true. 

Ellie says she’s just a little bit nervous and excited for middle school. I look forward to watching my girl shine like the star she is!

Words and reading oh my

Clair loves words and letters. She loves to recite her sight words. She enjoys very much learning to read. 

Today she found the bag of Max’s old sight words. She was so excited. She dumped them out and started looking through to find new words that she could add to her word ring. 

This happened just after she tried to set the deck in skyjo so she would have a starter set of all negative numbers. 


Last night Clair decided she was capable of any and everything and she set off on a mission to be oh so helpful. It was adorable. 

She got a stool, pulled it up to the sink and started to rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. She stuck to it until they were all done; with daddy by her side she did it. 

She was then determined to keep helping and make the lunches too. She didn’t quit, even when David might have told her she had helped enough. She was in it to get the job done. 

I love watching this girl when she decides to do something. Her determination is amusing, breath taking and awe striking. 

And yes. She had a hurt knee so walked around like this for hours :)

I did it

Today Clair comes in my office after school and tells me she wants to try the game just once. She set it up and asks me to remind her what the goal is. I tell her to leave as few as possible. Is it 30 works through it. To me she’s winning. I wasn’t watching closely but when she was done I woke up and she says I did it I left only one Mom. I wish I would’ve watched her because I think there’s a 50-50 chance she actually played it right and left only one which means she’s a genius. LOL I do think this kid is a genius. And I love the way she will focus on a challenge try to solve it.