Wednesday, December 30, 2015

They love each other

I was able to take a whole week off and be home with the kids for Christmas break. I am so thankful for this time with the kids. Some of the time David is home with us, and sometimes he is working. But for a good two weeks. I get to be the primary caregiver, the one that plays with them and cares for them. One that gets frustrated and the one that laughs with them. I'm so grateful for this!

Christmas is great! I am blessed by being able to spoil the children. But the best thing about this time this week has been seeing truly how much they really like each other and love each other. Yes, they fight. I think all siblings fight, Or I choose to believe that. But I also see them able to be each other's best friends.

They play together pretty nicely. Of course Ellie likes to be in charge as she is the oldest and take several serious. But with that, she shows how she truly loves her siblings. She's always willing to help them and look out for them and teach them. She is even willing to let Max make rules now and again and some of their make-believe games. I found these lovely note from her to Max telling him how happy she is that he is her brother. It melts my heart!

Today Max and I were sitting on the couch watching Ellie do her magic show. They were laughing and giggling with each other and something or said along the lines of oil she loves you Max. And he looked at me with the most perfect happy innocent and honest eyes and says "I know she does mommy." It's even better that she loves him so much that he is that confident and happy in that love that they share as brother and sister. 

As for Clair, they both love and adore her. Ellie is always willing to jump up and help clear. When she falls, Ellie is usually the first one by her side. If it's not Ellie, there's a good chance it's Max. Clair is also learning to go potty right now, and Ellie has spent large amount of time in the bathroom with her supporting her teaching her, keeping her company, reading to her. If Clair is sad, her siblings are often the one she wants to comfort her. 

Through the daily ups and downs and busyness of life it is truly hard to know if you're doing things right with your kids. When I am able to step back and see how much they care for each other, it's a sign that I feel like we are doing some things right. This is the best Christmas gift of all!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Max art

Max loves to make big pieces of art. Scissors and tape are always involved. He's crazy about tape. 

I have a hard time keeping up and dealing with all the collection in the house. I'm glad he has fun; but I'm running out of space. 

Here's one we put up a while ago. 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Big girl

Last night when I got home from taking Ellie to the doctors David me and said you need to go deal with our youngest. Now, keep it in mind David rarely says this. And I asked what was going on I was slightly pleased when I found out that Clair wouldn't stop putting on underwear. Apparently, she has decided it is time to be a big girl and ditch the diapers. 

This girl has been and what she was doing and her diapers are good for five months at this point. She peddled on the potty before bath for fun. But she hasn't been interested. At one point I was trying pull-ups and aiming for potty training but I gave up realizing it would happen under her terms and on her time. 

I told her she could wear underwear when she got up in the morning. And so we did. Usually she has went through in the morning but today she was dry. The girl did have two accidents in the evening, but, I think that's probably because daddy doesn't really like this potty training thing very much and mommy was not very attentive tonight , feeling under the weather. 

Girl had a great day and her underwear. She Peed in the potty six or seven times. And she can't wait to put her underwear on again when she wakes up in the morning. It's her terms in her time!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

A bad dream

Clair was fighting with Max about putting their shoes away properly in her "bad dream" last night. Isn't that sweet; this is a bad dream at the innocent age of two.

I went in to her because she was crying and she started tattling on Max straight away. 

I hushed her as I laid down beside her and told her it was a dream. We snuggled face to face and she quickly drifted back to sleep. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

A "Tale"

Tonight after watching Max pee Clair announced that she too wanted to go pee standing up. I explained she couldn't , only boys can. Her response, "I don't have a tale on my bottom."

I smiled and said that's right. You don't have a Penis, only boys. "Yup. Daddy has a tale too."

She's so funny!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Max the builder

Max has really shown his love for combining building an art recently. His creativity with Art continues to grow. His interest in being a good artist also continues to grow. The other day he was asking us for help in how to draw a reindeer as he created a whole scene with a house in Santa sleigh and reindeer on the roof. He really wanted it to be just right. And he was proud of himself when we worked through something that he felt turned out pretty good. 

Over the weekend he started to build some elaborate houses with the Legos. Here is one he pulled together that he was very proud of. Of course his sister wanted to be in the picture too. And of course with Max's kind heart, he didn't mind at all.

Clair and puzzles

Claire has been pretty interested in puzzles for about six months. For her age, she does a really great job with puzzles. If you set her in the right direction she'll figure out how to connect things. She uses shapes and color for clues. And she has patience to sit there and really figure them out. All of this is impressive, and the funniest thing is when she's done, she thinks it is appropriate to lay down on the puzzle and enjoy it in all it's completed glory! I think Ms Sarah taught her this, but I can't be certain. The girl can come up with some great ideas on her own as well. 

Christmas tree decorating

The kids convince me to allow them to put the tree up before the end of the Thanksgiving weekend. I was having a rough end of the weekend and I went along with their spirit and excitement. I am glad that I did.

For most years I have done my Christmas tree myself. David might hang one or two. Last year Ellie was a great helper and really started to get into it. Max still struggled with interest last year. Much to my surprise was how eager each of the three children were to help this year, including the two-year-old who probably felt she could do the whole tree by herself without anyone else's help.

They all did a really great job. Max and Ally were very patient. Claire on the other hand thought it was her right to grab any ornament she wanted and hang it anywhere she wanted. She humored me and showed some patients at times being willing to wait for a couple seconds. But when she was told flat no she was attempting to hang up your glass ornaments, there were several meltdowns on the floor in full 2 year old spirit. 

Overall the tree was set up, fluffed, and decorated within a few hours. The growing family that is my new Christmas tree decorating team was quite efficient. It was fun. And of course, we listen to Kenny and Dolly's Christmas in the background while decorating. One day the kids will either hate that CD or recognize it as mommies Christmas tradition. The verdict is definitely still out! 

Pack rat

Today as I'm watching Ellie attempt to shove her lunch box into her backpack I finally ask "what is in there?" (Voice slightly agitated)

Response, "Books."

Me, "you need one book to read on the bus,"

Irritated Ellie responds with exasperation at that thought, "one book?!?!?!"

But then I realize it's not only the books. The bottom of her backpack looks like a trash can, literally it is filled with papers, trinkets, water bottles, trash, pens, treasures, more trash, rocks, and so much more. I just started grabbing handfuls and removing it. Ellie wasn't pleased. 

I do not understand how she lets this happen, it's disgusting. But, she is just 8. I should be more patient and attempt to teach her how to organize, except I'm not sure if I know how to organize and stay organized. 

As I'm looking through the pile of papers I have deemed trash to try to rescue one thing that had her most upset, I found, amongst all the trash, these nice cards and notes for us. I am reminded how sweet she is and how much she loves us. I hope my moments of crazy don't outweighs the moments of love. She is a special girl, even as a pack rat. 

Love my Ellie!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Brimming with Pride after conferences

Today I had conferences for Ellie's second grade class at Maxs kindergarten class.

I have been reflecting on these very pleasant conversations with both the teachers all evening. I honestly couldn't be prouder of either of them. They have both achieved different things in their school year. The most fantastic thing is seeing that my kids are the kind of kids that make their teachers happy to be teachers.

Ellie is sailing through school and her academics are fantastic. Her behavior is exemplary. Her teachers love having her as a student and say she is just the perfect role model. I am so proud of how much she loves school and how great she is at accomplishing academics. I have had thought that her grandpa Bob would be very proud of her too for this report. 

I have to admit that I have been a bit worried about how Max is doing in school. But the half hour I spent with his teacher was also amazing. She was on and on about how great maxes at learning and growing from what she teaches him. He is a hard worker, he concentrates, he enjoys learning. I am so proud of him. Socially, although Max can enjoy joking around a bit much with some of the kids in the class, he proves that he listens and learns when the teacher corrects him. He tries and usually succeeds and making improve choices when reminded to do so. This isn't normal at his age, and his teacher says only a few of the kids are able to self correct this way after being talk to. I think, considering how much my Max loves to joke around and laugh, I honestly couldn't ask for anything more out of him at five. I am proud of how hard he is trying, and how much he is learning, and how much he is growing in 
kindergarten. I truly am amazed and proud. 

During the conferences with each teacher there were times when I had tears in my eyes, tears of joy, tears of pride, tears of feeling emotions that I'm not very good at feeling.

The art dilemma

Over the past six months max has really taken to what he calls art. By the comment what he calls are, what I'm saying is it's different than what Ellie used to call Art. Max likes to build 3-D objects out of tape and paper usually. The focus he has been doing his art is really awesome. He is creative and comes up with lots of neat ideas. You can see some of his daddy and him the way he turned his art into building with the tools he's allowed to use at his age.

Today they got out of school early, and Ellie went over to a friends house, and Max was left home alone with me and loads of my work. I couldn't take the afternoon off to be with him. So he happily set beside me at the kitchen counter and did his art. He also took the time to write out the lyrics to a favorite Christmas Carol. He was patient, and just didn't joyed sitting beside me and doing his art. He is such a sweet boy and I was so proud of him. He never complained, he never asked for more attention, he didn't even ask for a friend come over, he was just happy being and doing his

Below is a picture of the art he built. He was proud of it, he showed it to David, he tested it in the in term making process to see what it was like when he filled it up with water. And now it's it's on the kitchen counter, and I am tempted to trash it. Because my kitchen counter is full of paper and stuff and I can't see my kitchen counter and that drives me 
crazy.  This is where guilty mom comes into play. I can't keep all the kids artwork forever. So I have taken pictures and tried to say for them. One day I'll lament for the days my house was filled with artwork from my young children. 

Max still says he wants to be an artist and a farmer. I love my boys creativity and dreams. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

8 under fall softball

Ellies third season of softball is coming to an end. She's turning into quite the hit her. She does OK in the field, but doesn't enjoy it as much as her mama does. Her favorite position right now to second base. It's been a great season. 

Today during her third it back she reached across the plate to hit something and got hit by the ball on her finger. It was very sad because her mom was bitching to her. I walked in to see how she was doing and she was OK. She had decided she was going to be tough and not cry and stick it out. I was very proud of her.

When I threw her the next pitch, she swing hard and hit it right up the middle back at me. I was never prouder. She didn't let the ball scare her, no, she beat it back! Very proud of my Ellie!

Growing baby girl.

Clear continues to grow very fast. Unlike the other two, as she has hit two she is continuing to grow fast and strong and tall. I am having a hard time fitting anything less then four TVs on her. Tonight I put 40 jammies on her. They happen to be the same size and style that Max is still squeezing into. He would be better off in 5T is if we had them, but we don't so he continues to wear these. I got this picture of the pair of them in their matching 4 t pjs. 

Clair really did not want to stand still for this picture. Max was happy to humor me for a photo.


Clair's  favorite food is raspberries. This is pretty obvious. She loves a good bowl of raspberries like no other food. Recently, she's taken to putting the raspberries on her fingers as she eats them. She needs to cover all five fingers with a good solid raspberry before she will then begin and eat each one off a finger rather quickly.

She's adorable!

Max the artist

Maxes creative side kicked in several months ago. He really enjoys making art work. It was many years before he enjoyed this, so the guilt I have when I have to dispose of it is higher than that of when I have disposed of Ellies. 

On Saturday morning Max sat at the kitchen counter with scissors tape and paper for about an hour as he put together this rocket. Many of his creations include scissors and tape. This is in high contrast Ellie's which are usually flat two-dimensional very detailed and gorgeous drawings.

I'm proud of my kids and I love to watch them express themselves. But I can't collect all of these papers. So I'm attaching a picture here to remember the species of life. Good job kiddos!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sitting at work having a nice lunch whilst kids are enjoying a day off school.

To my darling kiddos, I would rather be home enjoying a day off with you. Each of you is truly amazing and so much fun for me, each in your own way. I love the moments we steel together when I'm not working or doing chores. I wish there were so many more. Mommy must work. Why, well, our family enjoys the lifestyle that requires two incomes. I'm also pretty good at what I do, but that's not what keeps me here, it's just a little comfort in knowing that hopefully i and contributing to the world in a way God approves of, using my talents to help my colleagues find medicines that will help sick people. I digress though. My point is that you are my everythings!!!

I saw this today and it's so very true. I love you guys and take comfort in you enjoying a day with Grannie. 

Love always, Mom

Ps. I have tears now. :)

Monday, September 21, 2015

Little personality, let it shine!

Clair is changing so fast this month. Not only has she started preschool off like a pro, no crying for my girl, but she's also really talking and contributing to the day and conversations. She has always had an opinion and she's very good about showing it and making us smile while she does. 

This morning she came into our master bedroom and was delighted to see that I had put the soft winter blankets on and the bedspread was missing. She rubbed it and explained with a squeal of delight how great it was. She jumped on the bed and proceeded to read to me. Telling me to sit down and listen to her tell me Goodnight Goodnight Construction site. 

She also isn't shy about letting people know she's a mamas girl and wants to stay with me, go places with me, and tell me when I'm all done work so I can be with her. 

She's a cutie!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Kindergarden is a Go

Max started off to kindergarden a week ago. He was a brave boy who got on the bus holding his big sisters hands, after collectin many hugs and kisses from his Mommy, Grandma and cousins. I smiled; no tears. He smiled; nervous excitement and confident in his sister to take him where he needed to go. 

The day went by and I waited. I was so excited to collect him off the bus. He collapsed into my arms and wanted to be carried home. He was exhausted and relieved. He didn't say it. But it was obvious he had been on for eight hours and was relieved to be back home. 

He relaxed at home and went to bed without a fuss. He had an okay day but felt he didn't make any friends the first week. 

The first week was hard, but he made it. The weekend was a relief to him, but he went back on Monday. Last night he was exhausted, but it is clear he's getting the hang of this. 

He's made a couple friends. he's leaned to spell two words - the and me. he's gotten the ritual down and is confident to ride the bus and go to class without Ellie. He has some enjoyment in music class. I'm proud of my little boy. He's also more cuddly when he's home. He needs his bed something fierce. He's so physical when he gets home. He needs his freedom. He needs to be a busy boy. He is adjusting in his own way. He is proving he is ready. 

I love my little boy. 

"You love me to the sky?"

So about a week or so ago I started telling Clair the I love her to the sky and back, to the moon and back, to the heavans and back. She smiled and internalized. 

Now, every couple days, Clair comes out with the question in the sweetest, quietest, innocent little voice , "momma you love me to the sky?"

I realize what she's asking and repeat how much I love her. She sits back and smiles. 

She does this when we are riding in the car. Each kid is trying to get their voice heard, question on this, question on that, and Clair's question, "momma, you love me to the sky?"

I love this girl!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Max is off to Kindergarden tomorrow

Five years has gone by so fast since I had my little guy. I can not believe he's ready for school and that tomorrow is the day. The start of school is exciting and also sad for me. Once they start school they become a student of the big bad world, no longer only influenced by things I control. 

Max is excited and I think he's a little nervous too. But he will do great. I'm so glad he has his sister to go with him on the bus. Knowing he's in her hands and will be occupancied by her gives me real relief I just didn't have when Ellie started. Tomorrow will be a long day for both Max and me. 

He's come a long way to readiness in the past 6 months. Below is his starting point with letters. We didn't really get to reading, but he knows his letters, numbers and name. He also has a great curiosity and love to learn. He is a lot of fun and can be a great friend. It will be great.

Go get them my little sweet man! I love you to the heavens and back or ever. You are so special. Love from mommy!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Ellie starts second grade - August 24, 2015

About two weeks ago we drove past the elementary school on out way to a birthday party and Ellie excitedly cheered for her school! She was so excited at the thought of returning to school. My girl loves school and that makes me happy !

Today was her first day of second grade. She is not feeling great. She has a pretty hefty cold. Ellie is usually fantastic when she has a cold and doesn't let it get her, but this one had her in bed yesterday. Despite all this, she was off to school with a smile this morning.

She got up with a great attitude and got herself ready to go. She even enjoyed a dance party with Clair upon Clair's request this morning.  It's cute how much you love spending time with her little sister and having her little sister want to spend time with her. This is one of Ellies many great qualities.

I managed to make her her favorite breakfast this morning, pancakes with chocolate chips. She enjoyed only one of them because she didn't want to have an upset stomach or have to use the bathroom and go  "long potty" in school. SHe is so disciplined.

We didn't have time for a big photo shoot before we headed to the bus stop, but I did capture a few pictures. I kissed her and told her I was so proud of her and to go have fun.

Getting on the bus for second grade was phenomenally easier for Ellie and then it was even a year ago. She was excited about getting to sit further back in the bus this year. She likes moving up not being the youngest. I suppose that is all normal progressions in life and school.

I'm anxious to hear how her day has gone, but not the least bit worried. My girl will have another great year of school I just know it!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

My boss

This little baby girl is officially the bossiest person in my life, other then maybe myself. 

This girl honestly wants to rule her world at two. Everything is to be her way- from who gets her up in the morning, how her teeth are brushed, clothes she wears, diapers that are to cover her little hiney, the cups she drinks from, and to where mommy sleeps at night time. She wants to do what she wants to do when she wants to do it with who she wants to do it with. 

Here are a couple examples of her opinions today:

- Mommy get me up
- I go to softball with you (said at nap time)
- mommy get me out of my high chair. Mommy get up off couch and clean me up. 
- mommy sleep in Clair's bed. 
- Clair sleep in Mommys bed 

Honestly, the only time it ends is when she is sleeping. Tonight it took her nearly 90 minutes to fall asleep. She sang to herself like a drunken soilder for over an hour after being displeased that I wouldn't lay down and fall asleep with her in her bed. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Proud Mama

Today I was fussing at Ellie as I cleaned out her backpack from end of first grade. I could believe the mess. I wasn't very understanding about the sentimental value of it all to her. 

I dug deeper, trashed a lot, and washed it out. Later I was looking through the pile and found the below present for her teacher. 

I'm so proud of Ellie. The kind thoughtful words of her teacher speak volumes to who she is. 

Tonight I told her that she was a fantastic daughter and that I am sorry I don't say that enough. She was so happy. The joy on her face was clear. 

God please grant me the peace and consciousness to remind my children daily how proud I am of who they are today and how much I believe in who they will be tomorrow. 

I love you Ellie Grey!

Monday, August 10, 2015

The looks of Clair

I love the way my kids communicate with their eyes. At 2 years old Clair's ability to communicate in every sense is becoming well developed. 

Clair is determine. Clair wants what she wants, when she wants, and how she wants - which is usually doing it herself. 

At times when Clair is driving for something and is told to stop, she often keeps going and tries to complete the task quicker and more vigorously to get her goal accomplished. When I manage to stop her I'm often met with one of two responses:

1) a quizzical and demanding WHY

2) a death stare that is better then that of a developed grumpy teen.  As captured in the picture below when we made her sit down in her seat and wait. 

I've been dwelling on this evolution this weekend and realizing how ebtertained I am by her behaviors. She's adorable. I love her determination - except sometimes in the heat of the moment when I'm right and she's wrong. Ha ha. She amazes me. Her determination and belief that she knows best at two is quite well developed. I'm a little nervous and a lot excited to see where it takes her in her life. 

Two is very fun and challenging. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Growing up

I had to take last grey to the vets today. I asked Ellie to come along to help calm lady grey in the car. She agrees excitedly and did a really wonderful job. When I hung up from my work call in w parking lot I looked back to find her reading peacefully to lady grey. I was really impressed with her kindness and her patience. 

She was very interested and very helpful at the Vets!

Be a good daddy

More then anything, I believe Max looks forwArd to becoming a Daddy. He talks about it a lot. He's always been really good with kids. He's sweet and it's obvious how amazing he thinks they are. I love this about my son. 

Yesterday after a time out because he was sneaky and repeatedly hiding things we were talking about consequences. I hinted at the idea of not letting him go off to kindergarten if he didn't prove to me I could trust him to make good decisions at school. He got really serious and really upset and said, " but then I won't learn things I need to know. And I won't ever be able to be a good daddy."

He truly believed this. It was so sad and heart wrenching. 

I tries to assure him that no matter when we let him start school that by the time he grows up and becomes a daddy I know he will be the best daddy in the whole world!

Love my Maxers!!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Happy nosey

Clair is starting to do a Lot of talking. Over the past months she has started with full sentences, singing, more complicated books, and even trying to tell stories. It's amazing to watch. 

Tonight as I was putting her to sleep and we were discussing which song was next she says, "happy nosey."

It took me about 5 seconds to succeed in guess that song. She's wanted "if your happy and you know it!"

3 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie

Yesterday we went as a family to pick blackberries and peaches. 

First, we picked blackberries. Well, four of us pick blackberries whilst the littlest one walk around eating them from whatever source she could locate them. I'm still surprised she wasn't actually sick from the numbers she ate. She ate the black ones, and the sour Red ones because they look like raspberries.

We learned a lot about picking blackberries and the kids were really excited about it. Max enjoys blackberries the most. It reminds him of the little brown bear book.

We then decided to pick peaches. We ended up with half a bushel. It's extremely easy to fill up a box of peaches. Each of the kids really enjoyed it in their own ways.

At the end, as I was trying to take a few photos, clear began dancing through the peach orchard. It was adorable.

On the way home we decided that mommy should make a blackberry pie. Everyone was excited how it is related to the nursery rhyme. This morning, I made the pie.

Turned out beautiful. We ended up enjoying it at lunchtime. Everybody liked it except clear. She just prefers the plane berries.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Dunder storm

Last night when Max got out of the tub he was super excited about putting on a "Dunder Storm" with Ellie. Despite trying to teach him how to say Thunder his enthusiasm was overflowing. I wasn't sure about it all but decided to agree to a five minute thunderstorm show after Ellie completed her shower. 

So we all truck down the stairs where Max has closed every curtain and turned off nearly every light. I observe as he is covering his drum set with a blanket and discussing how they will get inside the covered area under a blanket to play the drums. 

I was a little worried for Clair so we stayed in the one room which was allowed lights. As the show started I hear drums, my rain stick, and start to see flashes of light coming through on the wall (thanks to a flashlight they nabbed).

This went on for about a minute or teep. Clair held on to me tigy and was a little worried. I tried to downplay it for her. But I was also mildly impressed with all the various props and sounds put into the show. 

We had been forwarned it would end with a request to play and dance to Let It Go. And so it did. 

I tried to encourage Clair to play along as she loves dancing with the big kids at night and to this song. She did well until the noises and flashing lights started again. She wasn't quite sure. 

I sit there laughing to myself watching my kids enjoy expressing themselves. Ellie was focused on making it as real as possible, Max enjoyed some crazy expressive dancing, and Clair tried to get into the spirit too dancing a bit wild with her siblings. They are funny and cute and full or energy and ideas. I hope they stay this way forever. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Rest in peace Charlie Kitty

Today we had to bury Charlie. David and I got him over ten years ago when we settled into maryland together. Within a week of having the house we filled it with our cat family. They have always been the odd couple - Lady Grey and Charlie Bucket as I often called him. 

After a few years of being inside and fighting to get out, and fighting with Lady Grey, we finally let Charlie fulfill his destiny to be an outside cat. It changed him and he was happy. Don't get me wrong, Charlie would've preferred to have been both inside and outside cat. But we limited his inside time to the winter nights. 

Charlie is such a lover for kitty cat. He loved getting attention from people. He love to be pet, loved to be rubbed, he loved to rub up against people. 

Charlie was really smart. He understood us in ways not typical of cats. David had convinced us that he was the cat in the master and the margarita, or something like that.

Today Charlie met his match. I always thought that would be a fighting beast or possibly a car on the road. But he had lived safely in this neighborhood for seven years. Today, the garage door crushed him. It is so very sad. When David told us both Ellie and I broke out into tears. We've been in between sobs most of the night.

The best part of the night was looking at the pictures I've taken of him over the years, and sharing the memories that they brought back.

Answering the kids questions wasn't easy. I know this kind of thing is a hard experience to go through at any point in life, but especially as a child.

My mom was here visiting and we found out. I'm grateful for the way that she helped take care of the kids and the situation.

Today I watched my husband dig your grave for the pet we've shared since we started our life together. But this pet was special because he was davit buddy. Today I watched my seven-year-old lady flowers on top of our  pets grave. We said a prayer for Charlie before covering him in his grave. Clair throw him a kiss. It definitely wasn't an easy day. I do know these ups and downs are part of family life. And even after a day like today I can say that I am grateful and eternally thankful for family life.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

A nice long family weekend

We are wrapping up the July 4th weekend with a movie interspersed with laundry, bills and house prep for the week to start. It's another day in paradise. 

Seriously, I enjoy the lazy weekends without reasons to rush out in the morning. Each of the last three days started with the children hanging out in bed with us, after the young miss had her bottle of milk and a fresh diaper of course. We read books, jokes around, tried to wake daddy, snuggled, and was told by Max that we could sleep all day long. 

We had slow breakfasts. We hung out and played.

Friday we played a little softball and swam at the corrigans in the morning. The big kids played a game with us whe Clair slept. Friday night David and I had a date night. We visited Big Cork vineyards and saw Vince. It was a nice evening. 

Saturday we visited with Great Grandpa and he looked quite well after all he's been though. Clair was like a cages animal in his little room, but we made it in and out without a scene. It was good to see him. We had a restful nap period; everyone napped in preparation for the Fourth of July party on top the parking deck downtown. It was another great party. All the siblings and cousins came as well as some friends and mom. This was the best one yet. It was so nice being local. I love watching the cousins all play together. They are all growing so fast. Clair does her best to hang with them and does a pretty solid job. Colby is more interested in Max then her. Max enjoys Colby and Tyler's boy company. The girls all run around a bit crazy. Fireworks were lovely and everyone behaved well coming home. Clair was scared of the fireworks at first, but after snuggling Mommy and Daddy, Gramma was able to convince her that it was okay with a nice long snuggle. Clair came into the house at 1030 pm and told me she was ready to build towers. Lol. That girl is something else. 

Sunday was also a relaxingn start but we had errands to so today. We had lawn chores, house cleaning, groceries to buy, etc. And deposited the chores each kid had some fun with friends. Max enjoyed hosting a neighbor, Cody. Ellie enjoyed Ashley's 7th birthday party. Clair and Max and I enjoyed an evening Bike ride and play at the park. David and Ellie got some time to build a rollercoaster and enjoyed some one on one time. 

This isn't a spectacular set of events to write about, but it is a representation of things I enjoy about my life, being their mom! It is still my best and hardest job. I hope I do alright by them. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Max is Five!

Five feels like a big milestone. Honestly each age comes with my children and I celebrate with them. I make a big deal. I plan a big day. We buy presents. We celebrate them. I pray to God and thank him for their special talents! And I secretly morn the passing of time and childhood. I love the kids so much. I love the innocence of childhood. I even love looking back and how easily they are up and down with emotions. To be young again. To be able to feel better with a kiss. To be able to pretend and make all the bad go away. To be able to make friends by just giggling and making goofy sounds. To be young. To be a kid. It is wonderful. 

Today I took a well needed and earned vacation day. I didn't turn on my phone or computer. I spent the day with my kids, mostly with Max. He and I went to a fancy swim park pool and enjoyed a couple hours of alone time. At lunch at panera he told me we were on a date and should sit side by side instead of across from each other. I love the little romantic in him. I hope he never loses it. 

At the swim park he played with some of the baby slides and he and I swam together. He even convinced me to go down one of the kid slides with him as a race. I felt silly but I said yes. And you know what, I had fun. We did it about four or five times together. Thank you Max for sharing your spirit with me. I had a blast with you today. 

We were going to go to a movie at a theater but he decided we should watch one at home instead because we have better movies according to Max! How can I argue with that. So we bought a cookie cake and headed home to hang out on the couch and watch The Gruffalo. 

We ordered in pizza, opened presents and spent the evening on the tennis courts riding bikes and playing around. It was a great relaxing day. Max is five! He starts kindergarden in a couple months. He's sweet and innocent. He's interested in so much. He likes learning. He loves his sisters. He appreciates animals especially out car lady grey. He loves to snuggle and cuddle. He is a fun little boy to hang out with! 

Love you buddy! Stay yourself always!